200+ Vocabulary words with meaning in Urdu
200 Vocabulary words with meaning in Urdu
Basic Introduction:
Here in this article, we are going to learn 200 Vocabulary words with meaning in Urdu. English and Urdu are different languages with their own special words. Knowing these words is important if you want to talk well in these languages, whether you’re learning them as a second language or trying to get better at them. In this lesson, you can learn more than 200 simple and everyday English words along with their meanings in Urdu. These are words we use a lot in our daily lives. You can also find a PDF for this lesson.
Vocabulary words in English and Urdu:
Here in this section, we will learn 200 Vocabulary words with meaning in Urdu List 1. This lesson is for beginners who want to learn English for everyday talking. It has simple words that we use a lot when we speak English every day. Learning these words will make you better at speaking English in your daily life. Just stay with us and Scroll down!
List 1:
Words | Meanings | Words | Meanings |
Box | ڈبا | Brandnew | بالکل نیا |
Boy | لڑکا | Brandy | انگور کی ایک شراب |
Boycott | بائیکاٹ کرنا | Bravado | دھنکی |
Boyish | بچکانہ | Bravely | بہادری سے |
Boyishness | طفلانہ پن | Bravery | بہادری |
Braces | پتلون کےتسمے | Brawler | جھگڑالو |
Bracer | کلائی کا تسمہ | Brawn | طاقت |
Brag | شیخی | Bray | سخت |
Braggart | شیخی خورہ | Breach | شگاف |
Braider | بال گوندھنے والا | Breadth | چوڑائی |
Brainfag | ذہنی تھکن | Breakables | ٹوٹنے والے |
Brainy | ذہین | Breaker | ساحل کی طرف لہر |
Bran | بھوسہ | Breast | پستان |
Branched | شاخ دار | Breath | سانس |
Branching | شاخوں میں تقسیم کرنا | Breathless | بے دم |
Brand | داغنے کا لوہاط | Breathing | سانس لینا |
200 Vocabulary List 2:
Here in this section, we will learn Vocabulary words in English and Urdu List 2. Learning English becomes simpler when you have lots of words to talk about your feelings every day. This happens when you know plenty of English words to use when you talk. Vocabulary is the key to growing your language skills.
English to Urdu Vocabulary Click On the Below link:
List 2:
Words | Meanings | Words | Meanings |
Broking | دلالی | Bryology | علم کائی |
Bronchii | قصبات | Buccaneer | قزاق |
Brooch | جڑاؤپن | Buckish | چھیلا |
Broody | مرغی | Buckjump | گھوڑے کا اچھلنا |
Broom | جھاڑو | Bucketful | بالٹی میں بھرنا |
Broth | پتلاشوربا | Buckle | بکسوا |
Brougham | بندگاڑی | Buckram | کلف والا کپڑا |
Brow | بھوں | Budless | بے کلی |
Brownness | بھوراپن | Buddha | گوتم بدھ |
Bruise | خراش آنا | Buddhist | بدھمت کا پیرو |
Bruit | چرچا | Budget | موازنہ |
Brushy | کھردرا | Buffalo | بھینس |
Brusquely | منہ پھٹ طریقے سے | Buffonery | مسخراپن |
Brutal | بے رحم | Bugle | بوق |
Brutalize | وحشی بنانا | Build | بنانا |
Brute | وحشی | Building | مکان |
200 Vocabulary List 3:
Here in this section, we will learn 200 words in English and Urdu List 3. This lesson will make your English vocabulary and sentences better. When you learn this lesson, you’ll be able to speak English more easily.
List 3:
Words | Meanings | Words | Meanings |
Breech | بندوق کی نالی کاگولی والاحصہ | Brimming | لبالب |
Breeder | جانوروں کی نسل بڑھانے والا | Brine | نمکین پانی |
Breezy | زندہ دلی | Brink | کنارا |
Brevity | چھوٹا پن | Brisebise | آدھی کھڑکی کا پردہ |
Brewage | کشیدکی ہوئی شراب | Briskly | تیزی سے |
Brewer | بوزہ کش | Britain | برطانیہ |
Bribe | رشوت | Britannic | برطانوی |
Briber | رشوت دینے والا | Britisher | انگریز |
Brick | اینٹ | Brittle | نازک |
Bridal | عروسی | Broach | برما |
Bridegroom | دلہا | Broadblown | پورے جوبن پر |
Bridle | لگام | Broaden | وسیع کرنا |
Briefcase | بریف کیس | Brocaded | کمخواب |
Brig | دو مستولی کشتی | Brochure | کتابچہ |
Brightness | چمک دمک | Broiler | جھگڑالو |
Brim | کنارہ | Broker | دلال |
200 Words List 4:
Here in this section, we will learn 200 words in English and Urdu List 4.
List 4:
Words | Meanings | Words | Meanings |
Bulgy | ابھراہوا | Bungle | اناڑی پن سے کچھ کرنا |
Bulky | قدآور | Bungler | اناڑی |
Bullace | یورپی جنگلی آلوچہ | Bunion | پیر کے انگوٹھےکاگٹا |
Bullhides | بیل کی کھال | Bunker | کوئلے والی کوٹھڑی |
Bulldoze | کچل دینا | Bunny | خرگوش |
Bullet | گولی | Bunting | جھنڈی |
Bullock | بیل | Buoyant | تیرنے والا |
Bully | غنڈا | Bureaucrat | اہلکار |
Buirush | کاغذ کا پودا | Burg | چھوٹا قصبہ |
Bum | آوارہ گرد | Burglary | چوری |
Bummer | آوارہ پھرنے والا | Burgundy | سرخ شراب |
Bumpiness | ناہمواری | Buried | دفن |
Bun | میٹھا کیک | Burke | قتل کرنا |
Bunched | جچھے دار | Burliness | طاقت |
Bundler | پوٹلی باندھنے والا | Burner | جلنے والا |
Bungalow | کوٹھی | Burnish | چمکانا |
Download PDF:
Get better at English by using our special PDF. It has 200 English words with their meanings in Urdu. Download it to learn more words.
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