Daily Use Vocabulary

Advance Vocabulary Words with Urdu meaning

Advance Vocabulary Words with Urdu meaning

Basic Introduction:

In this blog, we will learn Advance Vocabulary Words with Urdu meaning. This lesson has a PDF that helps students and learners improve their English vocabulary for daily use and advanced exams. It’s a list of English words with Urdu meanings, which can be useful for exams in Pakistan. This way, students can get ready for exams more easily. We’ve made a big list of English words with their meanings in Urdu, and you can also get a PDF version of this list to print if you want. You can find the download link for the English words with Urdu meanings PDF at the end of the post.

Advanced Vocabulary Words in Urdu:

In this part, we’ll explore some advance vocabulary Words with Urdu meaning, starting with List 1. This lesson is designed for beginners who want to improve their everyday English. It includes common words we use a lot in daily conversation. By learning these words, you can become more confident in speaking English in your everyday life. So, let’s begin, and keep scrolling to learn more!

List 1:

English Words with Urdu Meanings:

Advance English Urdu Meaning
Cannoneer توبچی
Cape لبادہ
Cannot نہیں کر سکتا
Capella زرد رنگ کا ستارہ
Cannily ہوشیاری سے
Caperer اچھلنے کودنے والا
Canoe کشتی
Capitalist سرمایہ دار
Canopy سایہ بان
Capitalize بڑے حروف سے لکھنا
Cant کونہ
Capitol امریکی اجلاس گاہ
Cantata آلھا
Capon خصی مرغ
Canter میٹھا
Capsize الٹ جانا
Cantilever توڑا
Capston جہازی چرخ
Canton ضلع
Caption عنوان
Canvas کینوس پلاس
Captivate موہ لینا
Canvasser درخواست کنندہ
Captive جنگی قیدی
Canzonet چھوٹا مختصر گیت
Capture فتح
Capable قابل
Capuchin زنانہ لبادہ
Capacious کشادہ
Carload جتنا کار میں آسکے
Capacity جگہ
Carabineer قرابین سے مسلح سپاہی

Advance vocabular words in English and Urdu

Advanced Vocabulary List 2:

In this part, we’ll explore List 2 of advanced English vocabulary words with their Urdu meanings. Learning English becomes easier when you have many words to express your thoughts and feelings every day. This happens when you know lots of English words to use when you talk. Building a good vocabulary is the key to getting better at your language skills. So, let’s keep going and learn more words!

 English to Urdu Vocabulary Click On the Below link:

English to Urdu Vocabulary

List 2:

English Words with Urdu Meanings:

Advance English Urdu Meaning
Burst پھٹنا
Byzantine بزنطینی باشندہ
Bushy جھاڑی دار
Cabby ٹیکسی ڈرائیور
Bustle سخت کوشش کرنا
Cabinet کابینہ وزارت
But لیکن
Cabriolet ایک گھوڑے والی بگھی
Butchery خون خرابہ
Cachet کیپسول
Butt ٹکر
Cackler گپی
Buttercup مکھن دان
Cage پنجرا
Buttery مکھن جیسا
Calamity آفت
Button بٹن
Calash ٹپال دار گاڑی
Buttress سہارا
Calcify چونا بنانا
Buy خریدنا
Calcine کشتہ بنانا
Buzz بھنبھنانا
Calcium کیلشیم
Bye ضمنی چیز
Caldron دیگ
Bypast گذشتہ
Calends رومیوں کے مہینے کاپہلادن
Byway غیر معقول راستہ
Calf بچھڑا
Byword مشہور قول
Caliper پرکار

Advance vocabular words in English and Urdu

Advanced Vocabulary List 3:

Here in this section, we will learn Advanced Vocabulary words in English and Urdu List 3. This lesson will make your English vocabulary and sentences better. When you learn this lesson, you’ll be able to speak English more easily.

List 3:

English Words with Urdu Meanings:

Advance English Urdu Meaning
Caliphate خلافت
Camlet ادنی
Calix کاسہ
Campaign مہم
Caller ملاقاتی
Camper خیمہ زن
Calligrapher خوش نویس
Camphor کافور
Calling پیشہ
Campus جامعہ گاہ
Callow خام
Can ممکن ہونا
Calm ساکن
Canal نہر
Calmness سکون
Canard من گھڑت کہانی
Caloric حرارت
Cancerous سرطانی
Calumet حقہ
Candescene گرم سفید روشنی
Calumnious اختر پردار شخص
Candidly کھلم کھلا
Calx دھات کی راکھ
Candidate امیدورا
Cambric سفید سوتی کپڑا
Candle شمع
Camel اونٹ
Cane چھڑی
Cameo قیمتی پتھر
Canned ڈبے میں بند
Camion ٹرک
Cannon توپ

Advance vocabular words in English and Urdu

Advanced Vocabulary List 4:

Here in this section, we will learn English and Urdu Vocabulary Words for Advanced Learners. List 4.

List 4:

English Words with Urdu Meanings:

Advance English Urdu Meaning
Caramel لشکر
Chilblain خارش والا زکم
Carat قراط
Childhood بچپن کا زمانہ
Chemise عورتوں کا زیر جامعہ
Childless بے اولاد
Chemistry علم کیمیا
Childish بچگانہ
Cheque چیک
Children بچے
Chert عقیق ناقص
Chill سردی
Cherubic فرشتہ سا
Chime گھنٹیوں کی جھنکار
Chessman شطرنج کے مہرے
Chimney چمنی
Chestnut شاہ بلوط
Chin ٹھوڑی
Chew gum چیوگم
Chine جانوروں کی پیٹھ کی ریڑھ
Chicane چکمہ
Chink بجانا
Chick چوزہ
Chintz چھینٹ
Chicken مرغی
Chipper زندہ دل
Chief اہم
Chirography علم تحریر
Chieftain سردار
Chiropody پیروں کادنبل کانٹا
Chiffonier خانہ دار چھوٹی الماری
Chirpness زندہ دلی

Advance vocabular words in English and Urdu

Download PDF:

Get better at English by using our special PDF. It has advanced vocabulary Words with Urdu meaning. Download it to learn more words.

Advance Vocabulary Words PDF

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