Tenses in Urdu

Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Urdu and English

Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Urdu

Basic Introduction:

You will learn the Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Urdu and English.

The Past Perfect Continuous tense in English and Urdu describes ongoing actions in the past, before another event. It’s formed with “had been” in English and “the” followed by the present participle in Urdu. For example, “I had been working before she called” (English) and “میں کام کرتا رہا تھا جب اس نے کال کی” (Urdu). You will learn the Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Urdu and English. Just stay with us and scroll down!

What are Tenses?

When you tell a story, think of tenses like little time tags. They tell you when something happened.

Past Tense: If something already happened, you talk about it in the past tense, like “I played soccer yesterday.”

Present Tense: When discussing something happening right now, you use the present tense, like “I play soccer.”

Future Tense: And if you’re talking about something that’s going to happen later, you use the future tense, like “I’ll play soccer tomorrow.”

Why are Tenses important in English Grammar?

In this part, we’ll explore how to use the Past Perfect Continuous tense in Urdu. But the real question is, how can we get better at English? How can we make the most of this language? In this blog post, I’ll explain our plan. First things first, it’s crucial to understand English grammar. And the key to grammar is learning about tenses.

Short Introduction:

Tenses (زمانے)

There are three types of tenses:

  • Present
  • Past
  • Future

There are 12 Tenses.

  1. Present Indefinite tense. (فعل حال مطلق)
  2. Past Indefinite tense. (فعل ماضی مطلق)
  3. Future Indefinite tense. (فعل مستقبل مطلق)
  4. Present Continuous tense.  (فعل حال جاری)
  5. Past Continuous tense. (فعل ماضی جاری)
  6. Future Continuous tense. (فعل مستقبل جاری) 
  7. Present Perfect tense. (فعل حال مکمل )
  8. Past Perfect tense. (فعل ماضی مکمل) 
  9. Future Perfect tense. (فعل  مستقبل مکمل)
  10. Present Perfect continuous tense. (فعل حال مکمل جاری)
  11. Past Perfect continuous tense. (فعل ماضی مکمل جاری) 
  12. Future Perfect continuous tense. (فعل مستقبل مکمل جاری) 

Past Perfect Continuous tense (فعل ماضی مکمل جاری):

  • ماضی میں کوئی  کام خاص وقت سے شروع ہو اور ماضی میں ہی جاری رہا کی نشاندہی کرتا ہے ۔
  • پہچان: اردو فقرے کے آخر میں رہا تھا، رہی تھی ،رہے تھے ،وغیرہ آتا ہے۔
  •   کا استعمال کرتے ہیں۔ ing کی پہلی فارم آف ورب کے ساتھ Verb :اصول
  •  کے طور پر استعمال کرتے ہٰیں۔ Helping verb کو Had been
  • Since (خاص وقت کے لیے).
  • For (پوری مدت کے لیے).


Positive Sentence:

Subject+HV+4th form+Object+Since/For.

Negative Sentence:

Subject+HV+not+been+4th form+Object+Since/For.

Interrogative Sentence:

HV+Subject+been+4th form+Object+Since/For?

Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Urdu and English

Click on the below link for Present Perfect Continuous tense:

Present Perfect Continuous Tense in Urdu with Sentences: 

Past Perfect Continuous Tense with Positive Sentences:

In this section, you are going to learn the Past Perfect Continuous Tense with Sentences in English and Urdu. Scroll down and learn these easy English-to-Urdu sentences.

Positive sentence (مثبت فقرات):

Structure: Subject+HV+4th form+Object+Since/For.

English Sentences Urdu Translation
We had been sewing the clothes for one week. ہم ایک ہفتے سے کپڑے سلائی کر رہی تھی۔
She had been searching for a job since morning. وہ صبح سے نوکری تلاش کر رہی تھی ۔
My father had been talking to me since 1’o clock. میرے والد مجھ سے ایک بجے سے بات کر رہے تھے۔
He had been obeying his parents for two years. وہ دو سالوں سے اپنے والدین کا حکم مان رہا تھا۔
The child had been waiting for 2 hours. بچہ دو گھنٹے سے رو رہا تھا۔
I had been taking medicine for 2 days.  میں دو دن سے دوائی پی رہا تھا۔
They had been coming to park since morning. وہ صبح سے پارک میں آرہے تھے۔
Ali had been coming to work for 10 days. علی دس دن سے کام پر آرہا تھا۔
They had been attending class since 10 January. وہ 2 جنوری سے کلاس میں حاضر  ہو رہے تھے۔
He had been paying rent for 2 years. وہ دو سال سے کرایہ ادا کر رہا تھا۔

Past Perfect Continuous Positive Tense in Urdu and English

Past Perfect Continuous Tense with Negative Sentences:

In this section, you will learn Past Perfect Continuous Tense with Negative Sentences in English and Urdu.

Negative sentence (منفی فقرات):

Structure: Subject+HV+not+been+4th form+Object+Since/For.

English Sentences Urdu Translation
We had not been sewing the clothes for one week. ہم ایک ہفتے سے کپڑے سلائی نہیں کر رہی تھی۔
She had not been searching for a job since morning. وہ صبح سے نوکری تلاش نہیں کر رہی تھی ۔
My father had not been talking to me since 1’o o’clock. میرے والد مجھ سے ایک بجے سے بات نہیں کر رہے تھے۔
He had not been obeying his parents for two years. وہ دو سالوں سے اپنے والدین کا حکم نہیں مان رہا تھا۔
The child had not been waiting for 2 hours. بچہ دو گھنٹے سے رو نہیں رہا تھا۔
I had not been taking medicine for 2 days.  میں دو دن سے دوائی نہیں پی رہا تھا۔
They had not been coming to the park since morning. وہ صبح سے پارک میں نہیں آرہے تھے۔
Ali had not been coming to work for 10 days. علی دس دن سے کام پر نہیں آرہا تھا۔
They had not been attending class since 10 January. وہ 2 جنوری سے کلاس میں حاضر  نہیں ہو رہے تھے۔
He had not been paying rent for 2 years. وہ دو سال سے کرایہ ادا نہیں کر رہا تھا۔

Past Perfect Continuous Negative Tense in Urdu and English

Past Perfect Continuous Tense with Interrogative Sentences:

Interrogative sentence (سوالیہ  فقرات):

Structure: HV+Subject+been+4th form+Object+Since/For?

English Sentences Urdu Translation
Had we been sewing the clothes for one week? کیا ہم ایک ہفتے سے کپڑے سلائی کر رہی تھی؟
Had she been searching for a job since morning? کیا وہ صبح سے نوکری تلاش کر رہی تھی؟
Had my father been talking to me since 1’o clock? کیا میرے والد مجھ سے ایک بجے سے بات کر رہے تھے؟
Had he been obeying his parents for two years? کیا وہ دو سالوں سے اپنے والدین کا حکم مان رہا تھا؟
Had the child been waiting for 2 hours? کیا بچہ دو گھنٹے سے رو رہا تھا؟
Had I been taking medicine for 2 days? کیا میں دو دن سے دوائی پی رہا تھا؟
Had they been coming to park since morning? کیا وہ صبح سے پارک میں آرہے تھے؟
Had Ali been coming to work for 10 days? کیا علی دس دن سے کام پر آرہا تھا؟
Had they been attending class since 10 January? کیا وہ 2 جنوری سے کلاس میں حاضر  ہو رہے تھے؟
Had he been paying rent for 2 years? کیا وہ دو سال سے کرایہ ادا کر رہا تھا؟

Past Perfect Continuous Interrogative Tense in Urdu and English

Past Perfect Continuous Tense PDF:

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Past Perfect Continuous Tense PDF

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