Tenses in Urdu

Past Perfect Tense in Urdu and English

Past Perfect Tense in Urdu

Basic Introduction:

You will learn the Past Perfect Tense in Urdu and English.

Past Perfect tense is like a time machine for talking about the past. It’s for when you want to say that something happened before something else in the past. In English, you say things like “I finished my homework before dinner.” In Urdu, you might say “میں نے کھانا کھانے سے پہلے ہی اپنا ہوم ورک ختم کر لیا تھا”. It’s all about showing what was completed before another event in the past. You will learn the Past Perfect Tense in Urdu and English. Just stay with us and scroll down!

What are Tenses?

When you tell a story, think of tenses like little time tags. They tell you when something happened.

Past Tense: If something already happened, you talk about it in the past tense, like “I played soccer yesterday.”

Present Tense: When you’re talking about something happening right now, you use the present tense, like “I play soccer.”

Future Tense: And if you’re talking about something that’s going to happen later, you use the future tense, like “I’ll play soccer tomorrow.”


Why are Tenses important in English Grammar?

We’ll talk about how to use the Past Perfect tense in Urdu. But here’s the real deal: how do we get better at English? How do we nail this language? I’ll lay out our plan in this blog post. First things first, let’s understand English grammar. And the key to that? Knowing all about tenses.

Short Introduction:

Tenses (زمانے)

There are three types of tenses:

  • Present
  • Past
  • Future

There are 12 Tenses.

  1. Present Indefinite tense. (فعل حال مطلق)
  2. Past Indefinite tense. (فعل ماضی مطلق)
  3. Future Indefinite tense. (فعل مستقبل مطلق)
  4. Present Continuous tense.  (فعل حال جاری)
  5. Past Continuous tense. (فعل ماضی جاری)
  6. Future Continuous tense. (فعل مستقبل جاری) 
  7. Present Perfect tense. (فعل حال مکمل )
  8. Past Perfect tense. (فعل ماضی مکمل) 
  9. Future Perfect tense. (فعل  مستقبل مکمل)
  10. Present Perfect continuous tense. (فعل حال مکمل جاری)
  11. Past Perfect continuous tense. (فعل ماضی مکمل جاری) 
  12. Future Perfect continuous tense. (فعل مستقبل مکمل جاری)

Past Perfect tense (فعل ماضی  مکمل):

  • ماضی میں کسی کام کے مکمل ہونے کی نشاندہی کرتا ہے۔
  • پہچان: اردو فقرے کے آخر میں چکا تھا، چکی تھی، چکے تھے،وغیرہ آتا ہے۔
  •  کی تیسری فارم آف ورب استعمال کرتے ہیں۔ Verb :اصول
  •  کے طور پر استعمال کرتے ہٰیں۔ Helping verb کو Had


Positive Sentence:

Subject+HV+3rd  form+Object.

Negative Sentence:

Subject+HV+not+3rd form+Object.

Interrogative Sentence:

HV+Subject+3rd  form+Object?

Past Perfect Tense in Urdu and English

Click on the below link for the Present Perfect tense:

Present Perfect Tense in Urdu with Sentences:

Past Perfect Tense with Positive Sentences:

In this section, you are going to learn Past Perfect Tense with Sentences in English and Urdu. Scroll down and learn these easy English-to-Urdu sentences.

Positive sentence (مثبت فقرات):

Structure: Subject+HV+3rd  form+Object.

English Sentences Urdu Translation
He had eaten food. وہ کھانا کھا چکا تھا۔
We had played cricket. ہم کرکٹ کھیل چکے تھے ۔
You had taken the tea. تم چائے پی چکے تھے ۔
She had arrived home. وہ گھر پہنچ چکی تھی ۔
They had sold the car. وہ کار بیچ چکے تھے ۔
We had won the match. ہم میچ جیت چکے تھے ۔
I had completed my homework. میں اپنا ہوم ورک مکمل کر چکا تھا۔
Ikram had asked us about this work. اکرام ہم سے اس کام کے بارے میں پوچھ چکا تھا۔
They had gone school that time. وہ اس ٹائم سکو ل جا چکے تھے۔
She had completed her work. وہ اپنے کام کو مکمل کر چکی تھی۔
I had talked to him. میں اس سے بات کر چکا تھا۔
She had gone there. وہ وہاں جا چکی تھی۔
They had came here before us. وہ ہم سے پہلے یہاں آ چکے تھے۔
Fariya had eaten food before you. فاریہ تم سے پہلے کھانا کھا چکی تھی۔

Past Perfect Positive Tense in Urdu and English

Past Perfect Tense with Negative Sentences:

In this section, you are going to learn Past Perfect Tense with Negative Sentences in English and Urdu.

Negative sentence (منفی فقرات):

Structure: Subject+HV+not+3rd form+Object.

English Sentences Urdu Translation
He had not eaten food. وہ کھانا نہیں کھا چکا تھا۔
We had not played cricket. ہم کرکٹ نہیں کھیل چکے تھے ۔
You had not taken the tea. تم چائے نہیں پی چکے تھے ۔
She had not arrived home. وہ گھر نہیں پہنچ چکی تھی ۔
They had not sold the car. وہ کار نہیں بیچ چکے تھے ۔
We had not won the match. ہم میچ نہیں جیت چکے تھے ۔
I had not completed my homework. میں اپنا ہوم ورک مکمل نہیں کر چکا تھا۔
Ikram had not asked us about this work. اکرام ہم سے اس کام کے بارے میں نہیں پوچھ چکا تھا۔
They had not gone school that time. وہ اس ٹائم سکو ل نہیں جا چکے تھے۔
She had not completed her work. وہ اپنے کام کو مکمل نہیں کر چکی تھی۔
I had not talked to him. میں اس سے بات نہیں کر چکا تھا۔
She had not gone there. وہ وہاں نہیں جا چکی تھی۔
They had not came here before us. وہ ہم سے پہلے یہاں نہیں آ چکے تھے۔
Fariya had not eaten food before you. فاریہ تم سے پہلے کھانا نہیں کھا چکی تھی۔

Past Perfect Negative Tense in Urdu and English

Past Perfect Tense with Interrogative Sentences:

Interrogative sentence (سوالیہ  فقرات):

Structure: HV+Subject+3rd  form+Object?

English Sentences Urdu Translation
Had he eaten food? کیا وہ کھانا کھا چکا تھا؟
Had we played cricket? کیا ہم کرکٹ کھیل چکے تھے؟
Had you taken the tea? کیا تم چائے پی چکے تھے؟
Had she arrived home? کیا وہ گھر پہنچ چکی تھی؟
Had they sold the car? کیا وہ کار بیچ چکے تھے؟
Had we won the match? کیا ہم میچ جیت چکے تھے ؟
Had I completed my homework? کیا میں اپنا ہوم ورک مکمل کر چکا تھا؟
Had Ikram asked us about this work? کیا اکرام ہم سے اس کام کے بارے میں پوچھ چکا تھا؟
Had they gone school that time? کیا وہ اس ٹائم سکو ل جا چکے تھے؟
Had she completed her work? کیا وہ اپنے کام کو مکمل کر چکی تھی؟
Had I talked to him? کیا میں اس سے بات کر چکا تھا؟
Had she gone there? کیا وہ وہاں جا چکی تھی؟
Had they came here before us? کیا وہ ہم سے پہلے یہاں آ چکے تھے؟
Had Fariya eaten food before you? کیا فاریہ تم سے پہلے کھانا کھا چکی تھی؟

Past Perfect Interrogative Tense in Urdu and English

Past Perfect Tense PDF:

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Past Perfect Tense PDF

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