Tenses in Urdu

Present Continuous Tense in Urdu and English

Present Continuous Tense in Urdu

Basic Introduction:

You will learn the Present Continuous Tense in Urdu and English in this article. Present continuous tense is like the scene where you see what’s happening. So, if the character is running, you’d say, “He is running.” If they’re laughing, you’d say, “She is laughing.” It’s like zooming in on the action that’s currently going on, capturing the excitement of the moment. So in this article, you will learn the Present Continuous Tense in Urdu and English. Just stay with us and scroll down!

What are Tenses?

To verbs in a sentence, tenses are similar to time tags. They provide us with the time of an event. Let’s say you are narrating a tale about an incident that occurred:

In the past tense, something has already occurred, as in “Yes, I played soccer yesterday.” The event has already happened.

Present Tense: Used to describe actions taking place immediately, such as “Yes, I play soccer.” The activity is ongoing.

Future tense: Used for things that will occur later, such as “I’ll play soccer tomorrow.” This is a future action.

Why Tenses is important in English Grammar?

Tenses in English grammar are like time machines! They help us understand when something happened or is happening. Just like in real life, when we tell stories or have conversations, we need to know if something happened in the past, is happening now, or will happen in the future. Tenses help us do just that. They give our sentences the right timing, so people can follow along and understand what’s going on.

Present Continuous Tense in Urdu?

In this section, we will learn the Present Continuous Tense in Urdu. But the question is, how are we going to improve our English? How can we profit from this language? In this blog article, I will go over how we plan to do this. Getting familiar with English grammar should be your priority. The most important aspect of grammar is tenses.

Short Introduction:

Tenses (زمانے)

There are three types of tenses:

  • Present
  • Past
  • Future

There are 12 Tenses.

  1. Present Indefinite tense. (فعل حال مطلق)
  2. Past Indefinite tense. (فعل ماضی مطلق)
  3. Future Indefinite tense. (فعل مستقبل مطلق)
  4. Present Continuous tense.  (فعل حال جاری)
  5. Past Continuous tense. (فعل ماضی جاری)
  6. Future Continuous tense. (فعل مستقبل جاری) 
  7. Present Perfect tense. (فعل حال مکمل )
  8. Past Perfect tense. (فعل ماضی مکمل) 
  9. Future Perfect tense. (فعل  مستقبل مکمل)
  10. Present Perfect continuous tense. (فعل حال مکمل جاری)
  11. Past Perfect continuous tense. (فعل ماضی مکمل جاری) 
  12. Future Perfect continuous tense. (فعل مستقبل مکمل جاری) 

Present Continuous tense (فعل حال جاری):

موجودہ وقت میں کسی بھی جاری شدہ کام کو  بیان کرنے کے لیے استعمال کرتے ہیں۔

پہچان: اردو فقرے کے آخر میں رہا ہے، رہی ہے، رہے ہیں ، آتا ہے۔

 کا استعمال کرتے ہیں۔ ing کی پہلی فارم آف ورب کے ساتھ Verb :اصول

کے طور پر استعمال کرتے ہیں۔ Helping verb کو is, am and are 

  • I (am)
  • Plural (are)
  • Singular (is)


Positive Sentence:

Subject+HV+4th form+Object.

Negative Sentence:

Subject+HV+not+4th form+Object.

Interrogative Sentence:

HV+Subject+4th form+Object?

Present Continuous Tense in Urdu and English

Click on the below link for the Present Indefinite tense:

Present Indefinite Tense in Urdu: 

Present Continuous Tense with Positive Sentences:

In this section, you are going to learn Present Continuous Tense with Sentences in English and Urdu. Scroll down and learn these easy English-to-Urdu sentences.

Positive sentence (مثبت فقرات):

Structure: Subject+HV+4th form+Object.

English Sentences Urdu Translation
He is eating food. وہ کھانا کھارہا ہے۔
We are playing cricket. ہم کرکٹ کھیل رہے ہیں۔
She is washing her clothes. وہ کپڑے دھو رہی ہے۔
I am telling a lie. میں جھوٹ بول رہا ہوں۔
She is going to market. وہ بازار جا رہی ہے ۔
He is writing a letter. وہ خط لکھ رہا ہے ۔
Ali is flying the kite.  علی پتنگ اڑا رہا ہے۔
Stars are shining. ستارے چمک رہے ہیں۔
We are making a noise. ہم شور مچا رہے ہیں۔
They are listening to the radio. وہ ریڈیو سن رہے ہیں۔
He is reading the newspaper. وہ اخبار پڑھ رہا ہے۔
She is watching TV. وہ ٹی وی دیکھ رہی ہے۔
The sun is rising. سورج نکل رہا ہے۔
You are feeling cold. تمہیں سردی لگ رہی ہے۔

Present Continuous Positive Tense in Urdu and English

Present Continuous Tense with Negative Sentences:

In this section, you are going to learn Present Continuous Tense with Negative Sentences in English and Urdu.

Negative sentence (منفی فقرات):

Structure: Subject+HV+not+4th form+Object.

English Sentences Urdu Translation
He is not eating food. وہ کھانا نہیں کھارہا ہے۔
We are not playing cricket. ہم کرکٹ کھیل نہیں رہے ہیں۔
She is not washing her clothes. وہ کپڑے نہیں دھو رہی ہے۔
I am not telling a lie. میں جھوٹ نہیں بول رہا ہوں۔
She is not going to market. وہ بازار نہیں جا رہی ہے ۔
He is not writing a letter. وہ خط نہیں لکھ رہا ہے ۔
Ali is not flying the kite.  علی پتنگ نہیں اڑا رہا ہے۔
Stars are not shining. ستارے چمک نہیں رہے ہیں۔
We are not making a noise. ہم شور نہیں مچا رہے ہیں۔
They are not listening to the radio. وہ ریڈیو نہیں سن رہے ہیں۔
He is not reading the newspaper. وہ اخبار نہیں پڑھ رہا ہے۔
She is not watching TV. وہ ٹی وی نہیں دیکھ رہی ہے۔
The sun is not rising. سورج نہیں نکل رہا ہے۔
You are not feeling cold. تمہیں سردی نہیں لگ رہی ہے۔

Present Continuous Negative Tense in Urdu and English

Present Continuous Tense with Interrogative Sentences:

Interrogative sentence (سوالیہ  فقرات):

Structure: HV+Subject+4th form+Object?

English Sentences Urdu Translation
Is he eating food? کیا وہ کھانا کھارہا ہے؟
Are we playing cricket? کیا ہم کرکٹ کھیل رہے ہیں؟
Is she washing her clothes? کیا وہ کپڑے دھو رہی ہے؟
Am I telling a lie? کیا میں جھوٹ بول رہا ہوں؟
Is she going to market? کیا وہ بازار جا رہی ہے؟
Is he writing a letter? کیا وہ خط لکھ رہا ہے؟
Is Ali flying the kite? کیا علی پتنگ اڑا رہا ہے؟
Are stars shining? کیا ستارے چمک رہے ہیں؟
Are we making a noise? کیا ہم شور مچا رہے ہیں؟
Are they listening to the radio? کیا وہ ریڈیو سن رہے ہیں؟
Is he reading the newspaper? کیا وہ اخبار پڑھ رہا ہے؟
Is she watching T.V? کیا وہ ٹی وی دیکھ رہی ہے؟
Is the sun rising? کیا سورج نکل رہا ہے؟
Are you feeling cold? کیا تمہیں سردی لگ رہی ہے؟
Present Continuous Interrogative Tense in Urdu and English
Present  Continuous Tense PDF:

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Present Continuous Tense PDF

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