Tenses in Urdu

Present Perfect Tense in Urdu and English

Present Perfect Tense in Urdu

Basic Introduction:

You will learn the Present Perfect Tense in Urdu and English.

The present perfect tense is like a time-traveling verb! It helps us talk about things that have happened before now. We often use it to share experiences or talk about changes. But sometimes, we can use it in different ways too. Keep reading to find out more, with simple explanations, examples, and fun exercises! People often use the Present Perfect tense when they’re chatting or writing to talk about stuff that’s going to happen like plans or what they want to do. You will learn the Present Perfect Tense in Urdu and English. Just stay with us and scroll down!

What are Tenses?

When you tell a story, think of tenses like little time tags. They tell you when something happened.

Past Tense: If something already happened, you talk about it in the past tense, like “I played soccer yesterday.”

Present Tense: When you’re talking about something happening right now, you use the present tense, like “I play soccer.”

Future Tense: And if you’re talking about something that’s going to happen later, you use the future tense, like “I’ll play soccer tomorrow.”

Why Tenses is important in English Grammar?

In this part, we’ll explore how to use the Present Perfect tense in Urdu. But the real question is, how can we get better at English? How can we make the most of this language? In this blog post, I’ll explain our plan. First things first, it’s crucial to understand English grammar. And the key to grammar is learning about tenses.

Short Introduction:

Tenses (زمانے)

There are three types of tenses:

  • Present
  • Past
  • Future

There are 12 Tenses.

  1. Present Indefinite tense. (فعل حال مطلق)
  2. Past Indefinite tense. (فعل ماضی مطلق)
  3. Future Indefinite tense. (فعل مستقبل مطلق)
  4. Present Continuous tense.  (فعل حال جاری)
  5. Past Continuous tense. (فعل ماضی جاری)
  6. Future Continuous tense. (فعل مستقبل جاری) 
  7. Present Perfect tense. (فعل حال مکمل )
  8. Past Perfect tense. (فعل ماضی مکمل) 
  9. Future Perfect tense. (فعل  مستقبل مکمل)
  10. Present Perfect continuous tense. (فعل حال مکمل جاری)
  11. Past Perfect continuous tense. (فعل ماضی مکمل جاری) 
  12. Future Perfect continuous tense. (فعل مستقبل مکمل جاری) 

Present Perfect tense (فعل حال مکمل):

  • ماضی میں تھوڑی دیر پہلے کسی بھی کام کے مکمل ہونے کو بتاتا ہے۔
  • پہچان: اردو فقرے کے آخر میں چکا ہے ، چکی ہے ، چکے ہیں ،وغیرہ آتا ہے۔
  •  کی تیسری فارم آف ورب استعمال کرتے ہیں۔ Verb :اصول
  •  کے طور پر استعمال کرتے ہٰیں۔ Helping verb کو Have یا Has
  • Has (Singular)
  • Have(Plural)


Positive Sentence:

Subject+HV+3rd  form+Object

Negative Sentence:

Subject+HV+not+3rd form+Object

Interrogative Sentence:

HV+Subject+3rd  form+Object

Present Perfect Tense in Urdu and English

Click on the below link for Future continuous tense:

Future Continuous Tense in Urdu with Sentences: 

Present Perfect Tense with Positive Sentences:

In this section, you are going to learn Present Perfect Tense with Sentences in English and Urdu. Scroll down and learn these easy English-to-Urdu sentences.

Positive sentence (مثبت فقرات):

Structure: Subject+HV+3rd  form+Object

English Sentences Urdu Translation
He has eaten food. وہ کھانا کھا چکا ہے۔
We have played cricket. ہم کرکٹ کھیل  چکے ہیں۔
You have taken the tea. تم چائے پی چکے ہو۔
She has arrived home. وہ گھر پہنچ چکی ہے۔
They have sold the car. وہ کار بیچ چکے ہیں۔
We have won the match. ہم میچ جیت چکے ہیں۔
She has listened to the audio. وہ آڈیو سن چکی ہے۔
I have checked out all the work. میں تمام کام دیکھ چکا ہوں۔
Workers have started their work. مزدور اپنا کام شروع کر چکے ہیں۔
I have gone there many times. میں وہاں کئی بار جا چکا ہوں۔
She has gone to the office. وہ دفتر جا  چکی ہے۔
I have applied for this post. میں نے پوسٹ کے لیے درخواست دی ہے۔
She has learned to drive a car. اس نے گاڑی چلانا سیکھا ہے۔
The police have caught the criminal. پولیس نے مجرم کو پکڑ لیا ہے۔

Present Perfect Positive Tense in Urdu and English


Present Perfect Tense with Negative Sentences:

In this section, you are going to learn Present Perfect Tense with Negative Sentences in English and Urdu.

Negative sentence (منفی فقرات):

Structure: Subject+HV+not+3rd form+Object

English Sentences Urdu Translation
He has not eaten food. وہ کھانا نہیں کھا چکا ہے۔
We have not played cricket. ہم کرکٹ نہیں کھیل  چکے ہیں۔
You have not taken the tea. تم چائے نہیں پی چکے ہو۔
She has not arrived home. وہ گھر نہیں پہنچ چکی ہے۔
They have not sold the car. وہ کار نہیں بیچ چکے ہیں۔
We have not won the match. ہم میچ نہیں جیت چکے ہیں۔
She has not listened to the audio. وہ آڈیو نہیں سن چکی ہے۔
I have not checked out all the work. میں تمام کام نہیں دیکھ چکا ہوں۔
Workers have not started their work. مزدور اپنا کام شروع نہیں کر چکے ہیں۔
I have not gone there many times. میں وہاں کئی نہیں بار جا چکا ہوں۔
She has not gone to the office. وہ دفتر نہیں جا  چکی ہے۔
I have not applied for this post. میں نے پوسٹ کے لیے درخواست نہیں دی ہے۔
She has not learned to drive a car. اس نے گاڑی نہیں چلانا سیکھا ہے۔
The police have not caught the criminal. پولیس نے مجرم کو پکڑ نہیں لیا ہے۔

Present Perfect Negative Tense in Urdu and English

Present Perfect Tense with Interrogative Sentences:

Interrogative sentence (سوالیہ  فقرات):

Structure: HV+Subject+3rd  form+Object

English Sentences Urdu Translation
Has he eaten food? کیا وہ کھانا کھا چکا ہے؟
Have we played cricket? کیا ہم کرکٹ کھیل  چکے ہیں؟
Have you taken the tea? کیا تم چائے پی چکے ہو؟
Has she arrived home? کیا وہ گھر پہنچ چکی ہے؟
Have they sold the car? کیا وہ کار بیچ چکے ہیں؟
Have we won the match? کیا ہم میچ جیت چکے ہیں؟
Has she listened to the audio? کیا وہ آڈیو سن چکی ہے؟
Have I checked out all the work? کیا میں تمام کام دیکھ چکا ہوں؟
Have workers started their work? کیا مزدور اپنا کام شروع کر چکے ہیں؟
Have I gone there many times? کیا میں وہاں کئی بار جا چکا ہوں؟
Has she gone to the office? کیا وہ دفتر جا چکی ہے؟
Have I applied for this post? کیا میں نے پوسٹ کے لیے درخواست دی ہے؟
Has she learned to drive a car? کیا اس نے گاڑی چلانا سیکھا ہے؟
Have the police caught the criminal? کیا پولیس نے مجرم کو پکڑ لیا ہے؟

Present Perfect Interrogative Tense in Urdu and English

Present Perfect Tense PDF:

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Present Perfect Tense PDF

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