English Speaking Phrases

English to Urdu Counting from 1 to 500

English to Urdu Counting from 1 to 1000

Basic Introduction:

In this blog, we will talk about Urdu Counting from 1 to 500 in English. We will provide an Urdu translation of each number, and for Hindi speakers, we will also include Roman numerals for your convenience. This is a useful exercise for everyone, whether you are a beginner or more advanced. It helps you understand how numbers work in both languages. It’s not just for adults and older kids. Even little ones who are just starting to learn can benefit. They will learn to recognize and tell numbers apart and see how they are written and spoken in Urdu. Just stay with us and scroll down!

Urdu Counting from 1 to 500:

In this article, you are going to learn Urdu Counting from 1 to 500. Many people these days may not know how to count in both Urdu and English. This lesson is great for them because it makes learning each number super simple in a straightforward way. The article shows numbers in words and provides their Urdu and Hindi translations so that students can understand easily. It’s a fun way to learn counting in English and Urdu, and by the end of the lesson, you will be able to say the numbers without any trouble. Just scroll down and learn English to Urdu Counting.

English Counting from 1 to 100:

In this article, you are going to learn Urdu Counting from 1 to 500. In this section will learn Urdu Counting from 1 to 100.

Number English  Urdu  Roman Hindi
0 Zero صفر 0 Sifr
1 One ایک I Aik
2 Two دو II Do
3 Three تین III Teen
4 Four چار IV Char
5 Five پانچ V Paanch
6 Six چھ VI Chh
7 Seven سات VII Saath
8 Eight آٹھ VIII Aath
9 Nine نو IX No
10 Ten دس X Das
11 Eleven گیارہ XI Gyarah
12 Twelve بارہ XII Baarah
13 Thirteen تیرہ XIII Tera
14 Fourteen چودہ XIV Chaudah
15 Fifteen پندرہ XV Pandrah
16 Sixteen سولہ XVI Sola
17 Seventeen سترہ XVII Sattarah
18 Eighteen اٹھارہ XVIII Aatharah
19 Nineteen انیس XIX Unnis
20 Twenty بیس XX Bees
21 Twenty-one اکیس XXI Ikkees
22 Twenty-two بائیس XXII Baeees
23 Twenty-three تئیس XXIII Teyees
24 Twenty-four چوبیس XXIV Chobees
25 Twenty-five پچھیس XXV Pachhees
26 Twenty-six چھببیس XXVI Chhubbis
27 Twenty-seven ستاؤیس XXVII Sattaeees
28 Twenty-eight اٹھاؤیس XXVIII Aathaees
29 Twenty-nine انتیس XXIX Untees
30 Thirty تیس XXX Tees
31 Thirty-one اکتیس XXXI Ikatis
32 Thirty-two بتیس XXXII Batis
33 Thirty-three تیتیس XXXIII Teyatis
34 Thirty-four چونتیس XXXIV Chontees
35 Thirty-five پینتالیس XXXV Painntaalis
36 Thirty-six چھیتالیس XXXVI Chhiyaalis
37 Thirty-seven سینتالیس XXXVII Saintaalis
38 Thirty-eight اڑتالیس XXXVIII Aurataalis
39 Thirty-nine انتالیس XIX Untaalis
40 Forty چالیس XL Chaleees
41 Forty-one اکتالیس XLI Ikataalis
42 Forty-two بیالیس XLII Baialis
43 Forty-three تینتالیس XLIII Teyntaalis
44 Forty-four چوالیس XLIV Chawalis
45 Forty-five پینتالیس XLV Painntaalis
46 Forty-six چھیالیس XLVI Chhiyaalis
47 Forty-seven سینتالیس XLVII Saintaalis
48 Forty-eight اڑتالیس XLVIII Aurataalis
49 Forty-nine انتالیس XLIX Unchaas
50 Fifty پچاس L Pachaas
51 Fifty-one اکاون  LI Ikawen
52 Fifty-two باون LII Bawen
53 Fifty-three تریپن  LIII Trippen 
54 Fifty-four چوپن  LIV Chowen
55 Fifty-five پچپن  LV Pchpan
56 Fifty-six چھپپن LVI Chappen
57 Fifty-seven ستاون  LVII Sataven
58 Fifty-eight اٹھاون  LVIII Athawen
59 Fifty-nine انسٹھ   LIX Unsath
60 Sixty ساٹھ  LX  Saath 
61 Sixty-one اکسٹھ  LXI Iksath
62 Sixty-two بیسٹھ LXII Basith
63 Sixty-three تریسٹھ  LXIII Tresath 
64 Sixty-four چوارسٹھ  LXIV Chonsath
65 Sixty-five پینسٹھ  LXV Pensath 
66 Sixty-six چھیاسٹھ LXVI Chiasath
67 Sixty-seven  ستاسٹھ LXVII Stasath
68 Sixty-eight اٹھاسٹھ  LXVIII Athasath 
69 Sixty-nine انحتر LXIX Unhatter
70 Seventy ستر LXX Sattar
71 Seventy-one اکھتر LXXI Ikahter
72 Seventy-two بھتر LXXII Bohatter 
73 Seventy-three تھتر  LXXIII Tehatter 
74 Seventy-four چوہتر LXXIV Chohatter
75 Seventy-five پچھتر LXXV Pachatter
76 Seventy-six چھہتر LXXVI  Chehatter
77 Seventy-seven ستتر LXXVII Statter
78 Seventy-eight اٹھتر LXXVIII Athatter
79 Seventy-nine اناسی LXXIX Unaasi
80 Eighty اسی  LXXX Assi
81 Eighty-one  اکاسی LXXXI Ikaasi
82 Eighty-two بیاسی LXXXII Biasi
83 Eighty-three تراسی LXXXIII Teraasi
84 Eighty-four چوراسی LXXXIV Chaurasi
85 Eighty-five پچاسی  LXXXV Pichaasi
86 Eighty-six چھیاسی LXXXVI  Chiaasi
87 Eighty-seven ستاسی LXXXVII Staaasi 
88 Eighty-eight  اٹھاسی LXXXVIII  Athasi
89 Eighty-nine نواسی LXXXIX Nawasi
90 Ninety نوے XC  Novvay
91 Ninety-one اکانوے  XCI Ikaanvay 
92 Ninety-two بانوے XCII Banway 
93 Ninety-three  ترانوے  XCIII Tranvay
94 Ninety-four چورانوے XCIV  Choranvay 
95 Ninety-five پچانوے XCV Pachanvay 
96 Ninety-six چھیانوے XCVI Chianvay 
97 Ninety-seven ستانوے  XCVII Stanvay 
98 Ninety-eight اٹھانوے XCVIII Athanvay 
99 Ninety-nine ننانوے  XCIX Nananvay 
100 One hundred سو  C Soo 

English and Urdu Counting from 1 to 100

Urdu Counting from 100 to 200:

In this article, you are going to learn Urdu Counting from 1 to 500. In this section will learn Urdu Counting from 100 to 200:

Number English  Urdu  Roman Hindi
100 One hundred سو  C Soo 
101 One hundred and one ایک سو ایک CI Aik Sau Aik
102 One hundred and two ایک سو دو CII Aik Sau Do
103 One hundred and three ایک سو تین CIII Aik Sau Teen
104 One hundred and four ایک سو چار CIV Aik Sau Char
105 One hundred and five ایک سو پانچ CV Aik Sau Paanch
106 One hundred and six ایک سو چھ CVI Aik Sau Chh
107 One hundred and seven ایک سو سات CVII Aik Sau Saath
108 One hundred and eight ایک سو آٹھ CVIII Aik Sau Aath
109 One hundred and nine ایک سو نو CIX Aik Sau No
110 One hundred and ten ایک سو دس CX Aik Sau Das
111 One hundred and eleven ایک سو گیارہ CXI Aik Sau Gyarah
112 One hundred and twelve ایک سو بارہ CXII Aik Sau Baarah
113 One hundred and thirteen ایک سو تیرہ CXIII Aik Sau Tera
114 One hundred and fourteen ایک سو چودہ CXIV Aik Sau Chaudah
115 One hundred and fifteen ایک سو پندرہ CXV Aik Sau Pandrah
116 One hundred and sixteen ایک سو سولہ CXVI Aik Sau Sola
117 One hundred and seventeen ایک سو سترہ CXVII Aik Sau Sattarh
118 One hundred and eighteen ایک سو اٹھارہ CXVIII Aik Sau Aatharah
119 One hundred and nineteen ایک سو انیس CXIX Aik Sau Unnis
120 One hundred and twenty ایک سو بیس CXX Aik Sau Bees
121 One hundred and twenty-one ایک سو اکیس  CXXI Aik Sau Ikkees
122 One hundred and twenty-two ایک سو بائیس CXXII Aik Sau Baees
123 One hundred and twenty-three ایک سو تئیس CXXIII Aik Sau Teyees
124 One hundred and twenty-four ایک سو چوبیس CXXIV Aik Sau Chobees
125 One hundred and twenty-five ایک سو پچھیس CXXV Aik Sau Pachhees
126 One hundred and twenty-six ایک سو چھببیس CXXVI Aik Sau Chhubbis
127 One hundred and twenty-seven ایک سو ستاؤیس CXXVII Aik Sau Sattaees
128 One hundred and twenty-eight ایک سو اٹھاؤیس CXXVIII Aik Sau Aathaees
129 One hundred and twenty-nine ایک سو انتیس CXXIX Aik Sau Untees
130 One hundred and thirty ایک سو تیس CXXX Aik Sau Tees
131 One hundred and thirty-one ایک سو اکتیس CXXXI Aik Sau Ikatis
132 One hundred and thirty-two ایک سو بتیس CXXXII Aik Sau Batis
133 One hundred and thirty-three ایک سو تیتیس CXXXIII Aik Sau Teyatis
134 One hundred and thirty-four ایک سو چونتیس CXXXIV Aik Sau Chontees
135 One hundred and thirty-five ایک سو پینتیس CXXXV Aik Sau Painntes
136 One hundred and thirty-six ایک سو چھیتیس CXXXVI Aik Sau Chhatees
137 One hundred and thirty-seven ایک سو سینتیس CXXXVII Aik Sau Saintees
138 One hundred and thirty-eight ایک سو اڑتیس CXXXVIII Aik Sau Auratees
139 One hundred and thirty-nine ایک سو انتیس CXXXIX Aik Sau Untaalis
140 One hundred and forty ایک سو چالیس CXL Aik Sau Chalees
141 One hundred and forty-one ایک سو اکتالیس CXLI Aik Sau Ikataalis
142 One hundred and forty-two ایک سو بیالیس CXLII Aik Sau Baialis
143 One hundred and forty-three ایک سو تینتالیس CXLIII Aik Sau Teyntaalis
144 One hundred and forty-four ایک سو چرتالیس CXLIV Aik Sau Chawalis
145 One hundred and forty-five ایک سو پینتالیس CXLV Aik Sau Painntaalis
146 One hundred and forty-six ایک سو چھیالیس CXLVI Aik Sau Chhiyaalis
147 One hundred and forty-seven ایک سو سینتالیس CXLVII Aik Sau Saintaalis
148 One hundred and forty-eight ایک سو اڑتالیس CXLVIII Aik Sau Aurataalis
149 One hundred and forty-nine ایک سو انچاس CXLIX Aik Sau Unchaas
150 One hundred and fifty ایک سو پچاس CL Aik Sau Pachaas
151 One hundred and fifty-one ایک سو اکاون CLI Aik Sau Ikaavaan
152 One hundred and fifty-two ایک سو باون CLII Aik Sau Baavan
153 One hundred and fifty-three ایک سو تریپن CLIII Aik Sau Tiripan
154 One hundred and fifty-four ایک سو چوین CLIV Aik Sau Chowan
155 One hundred and fifty-five ایک سو پچپن CLV Aik Sau Pachpan
156 One hundred and fifty-six ایک سو چھپپن CLVI Aik Sau Chhappan
157 One hundred and fifty-seven ایک سو ستاون CLVII Aik Sau Sataavaan
158 One hundred and fifty-eight ایک سو اٹھاون CLVIII Aik Sau Athaavaan
159 One hundred and fifty-nine ایک سو انسٹھ CLIX Aik Sau Unsath
160 One hundred and sixty ایک سو ساٹھ CLX Aik Sau Saath
161 One hundred and sixty-one ایک سو اکسٹھ CLXI Aik Sau Iksath
162 One hundred and sixty-two ایک سو بیسٹھ CLXII Aik Sau Beesath
163 One hundred and sixty-three ایک سو تریسٹھ CLXIII Aik Sau Tirisath
164 One hundred and sixty-four ایک سو چونسٹھ CLXIV Aik Sau Chonsath
165 One hundred and sixty-five ایک سو پینسٹھ CLXV Aik Sau Pensath 
166 One hundred and sixty-six ایک سو چھیاسٹھ CLXVI Aik Sau Chiasath
167 One hundred and sixty-seven ایک سو ستاسٹھ CLXVII Aik Sau Stasath
168 One hundred and sixty-eight ایک سو اٹھسٹھ CLXVIII Aik Sau Athasath 
169 One hundred and sixty-nine  ایک سو انحتر CLXIX Aik Sau Unhatter
170 One hundred and seventy ایک سو ستر CLXX Aik Sau Sattar
171 One hundred and seventy-one ایک سو اکھتر CLXXI Aik Sau Ikahter
172 One hundred and seventy-two ایک سو بھتر CLXXII Aik Sau Bohatter 
173 One hundred and seventy-three ایک سو تھتر  CLXXIII Aik Sau Tehatter 
174 One hundred and seventy-four ایک سو چوہتر CLXXIV Aik Sau Chohatter
175 One hundred and seventy-five ایک سو پچھتر  CLXXV Aik Sau Pachatter
176 One hundred and seventy-six ایک سو چھہتر CLXXVI Aik Sau Chehatter
177 One hundred and seventy-seven ایک سو ستتر CLXXVII Aik Sau Statter
178 One hundred and seventy-eight ایک سو اٹھتر CLXXVIII Aik Sau Athatter
179 One hundred and seventy-nine ایک سو اناسی  CLXXIX Aik Sau Unaasi
180 One hundred and eighty ایک سو اسی CLXXX Aik Sau Assi
181 One hundred and eighty-one ایک سو اکاسی  CLXXXI Aik Sau Ikaasi
182 One hundred and eighty-two ایک سو بیاسی CLXXXII Aik Sau Baiyaasi
183 One hundred and eighty-three ایک سو تراسی CLXXXIII Aik Sau Tiryaasi
184 One hundred and eighty-four ایک سو چوراسی CLXXXIV Aik Sau Chaurasi
185 One hundred and eighty-five ایک سو پچاسی CLXXXV Aik Sau Pichaasi
186 One hundred and eighty-six ایک سو چھیاسی CLXXXVI Aik Sau Chiaasi
187 One hundred and eighty-seven ایک سو ستاسی CLXXXVII Aik Sau Staaasi 
188 One hundred and eighty-eight ایک سو اٹھاسی CLXXXVIII Aik Sau Athasi 
189 One hundred and eighty-nine ایک سو نواسی CLXXXIX Aik Sau Nawasi
190 One hundred and ninety ایک سو نوے CXC Aik Sau Novvay
191 One hundred and ninety-one ایک سو اکانوے CXCI Aik Sau Ikaanvay 
192 One hundred and ninety-two ایک سو بانوے CXCII Aik Sau Baawanwe
193 One hundred and ninety-three ایک سو ترانوے CXCIII Aik Sau Tiraanwe
194 One hundred and ninety-four ایک سو چورانوے CXCIV Aik Sau Chauraanwe
195 One hundred and ninety-five ایک سو پچانوے CXCV Aik Sau Pachaanwe
196 One hundred and ninety-six ایک سو چھیانوے CXCVI Aik Sau Chhiyaanwe
197 One hundred and ninety-seven ایک سو ستانوے CXCVII Aik Sau Sitaanwe
198 One hundred and ninety-eight ایک سو اٹھانوے CXCVIII Aik Sau Atthaanwe
199 One hundred and ninety-nine ایک سو ننانوے  CXCIX Aik Sau Nawaanwe
200 Two hundred دو سو CC Do Sau

English and Urdu Counting from 1 to 500

Urdu Counting from 200 to 300:

In this article, you are going to learn Urdu Counting from 1 to 500. In this section will learn Urdu Counting from 200 to 300:

Number English  Urdu  Roman Hindi
200 Two hundred سو  CC Do Soo 
201 Two hundred and one دو سو ایک CCI Do Sau Aik
202 Two hundred and two دو سو دو CCII Do Sau Do
203 Two hundred and three دو سو تین CCIII Do Sau Teen
204 Two hundred and four دو سو چار CCIV Do Sau Char
205 Two hundred and five دو سو پانچ CCV Do Sau Paanch
206 Two hundred and six دو سو چھ CCVI Do Sau Chh
207 Two hundred and seven دو سو سات CCVII Do Sau Saath
208 Two hundred and eight دو سو آٹھ CCVIII Do Sau Aath
209 Two hundred and nine دو سو نو CCIX Do Sau No
210 Two hundred and ten دو سو دس CCX Do Sau Das
211 Two hundred and eleven دو سو گیارہ CCXI Do Sau Gyarah
212 Two hundred and twelve دو سو بارہ CCXII Do Sau Baarah
213 Two hundred and thirteen دو سو تیرہ CCXIII Do Sau Tera
214 Two hundred and fourteen دو سو چودہ CCXIV Do Sau Chaudah
215 Two hundred and fifteen دو سو پندرہ CCXV Do Sau Pandrah
216 Two hundred and sixteen دو سو سولہ CCXVI Do Sau Sola
217 Two hundred and seventeen دو سو سترہ CCXVII Do Sau Sattarh
218 Two hundred and eighteen دو سو اٹھارہ CCXVIII Do Sau Aatharah
219 Two hundred and nineteen دو سو انیس CCXIX Do Sau Unnis
220 Two hundred and twenty دو سو بیس CCXX Do Sau Bees
221 Two hundred and twenty-one دو سو اکیس  CCXXI Do Sau Ikkees
222 Two hundred and twenty-two دو سو بائیس CCXXII Do Sau Baees
223 Two hundred and twenty-three دو سو تئیس CCXXIII Do Sau Teyees
224 Two hundred and twenty-four دو سو چوبیس CCXXIV Do Sau Chobees
225 Two hundred and twenty-five دو سو پچھیس CCXXV Do Sau Pachhees
226 Two hundred and twenty-six دو سو چھببیس CCXXVI Do Sau Chhubbis
227 Two hundred and twenty-seven دو سو ستاؤیس CCXXVII Do Sau Sattaees
228 Two hundred and twenty-eight دو سو اٹھاؤیس CCXXVIII Do Sau Aathaees
229 Two hundred and twenty-nine دو سو انتیس CCXXIX Do Sau Untees
230 Two hundred and thirty دو سو تیس CCXXX Do Sau Tees
231 Two hundred and thirty-one دو سو اکتیس CCXXXI Do Sau Ikatis
232 Two hundred and thirty-two دو سو بتیس CCXXXII Do Sau Batis
233 Two hundred and thirty-three دو سو تیتیس CCXXXIII Do Sau Teyatis
234 Two hundred and thirty-four دو سو چونتیس CCXXXIV Do Sau Chontees
235 Two hundred and thirty-five دو سو پینتیس CCXXXV Do Sau Painntes
236 Two hundred and thirty-six دو سو چھیتیس CCXXXVI Do Sau Chhatees
237 Two  hundred and thirty-seven دو سو سینتیس CCXXXVII Do Sau Saintees
238 Two hundred and thirty-eight دو سو اڑتیس CCXXXVIII Do Sau Auratees
239 Two hundred and thirty-nine دو سو انتیس CCXXXIX Do Sau Untaalis
240 Two hundred and forty دو سو چالیس CCXL Do Sau Chalees
241 Two hundred and forty-one دو سو اکتالیس CCXLI Do Sau Ikataalis
242 Two hundred and forty-two دو سو بیالیس CCXLII Do Sau Baialis
243 Two hundred and forty-three دو سو تینتالیس CCXLIII Do Sau Teyntaalis
244 Two hundred and forty-four دو سو چرتالیس CCXLIV Do Sau Chawalis
245 Two hundred and forty-five دو سو پینتالیس CCXLV Do Sau Painntaalis
246 Two hundred and forty-six دو سو چھیالیس CCXLVI Do Sau Chhiyaalis
247 Two hundred and forty-seven دو سو سینتالیس CCXLVII Do Sau Saintaalis
248 Two hundred and forty-eight دو سو اڑتالیس CCXLVIII Do Sau Aurataalis
249 Two hundred and forty-nine دو سو انچاس CCXLIX Do Sau Unchaas
250 Two hundred and fifty دو سو پچاس CCL Do Sau Pachaas
251 Two hundred and fifty-one دو سو اکاون CCLI Do Sau Ikaavaan
252 Two hundred and fifty-two دو سو باون CCLII Do Sau Baavan
253 Two hundred and fifty-three دو سو تریپن CCLIII Do Sau Tiripan
254 Two hundred and fifty-four دو سو چوین CCLIV Do Sau Chowan
255 Two hundred and fifty-five دو سو پچپن CCLV Do Sau Pachpan
256 Two hundred and fifty-six دو سو چھپپن CCLVI Do Sau Chhappan
257 Two hundred and fifty-seven دو سو ستاون CCLVII Do Sau Sataavaan
258 Two hundred and fifty-eight دو سو اٹھاون CCLVIII Do Sau Athaavaan
259 Two hundred and fifty-nine دو سو انسٹھ CCLIX Do Sau Unsath
260 Two hundred and sixty دو سو ساٹھ CCLX Do Sau Saath
261 Two hundred and sixty-one دو سو اکسٹھ CCLXI Do Sau Iksath
262 Two hundred and sixty-two دو سو بیسٹھ CCLXII Do Sau Beesath
263 Two hundred and sixty-three دو سو تریسٹھ CCLXIII Do Sau Tirisath
264 Two hundred and sixty-four دو سو چونسٹھ CCLXIV Do Sau Chonsath
265 Two hundred and sixty-five دو سو پینسٹھ CCLXV Do Sau Pensath 
266 Two hundred and sixty-six دو سو چھیاسٹھ CCLXVI Do Sau Chiasath
267 Two hundred and sixty-seven دو سو ستاسٹھ CCLXVII Do Sau Stasath
268 Two hundred and sixty-eight دو سو اٹھسٹھ CCLXVIII Do Sau Athasath 
269 Two hundred and sixty-nine دو  سو انحتر CCLXIX Do Sau Unhatter
270 Two hundred and seventy دو سو ستر CCLXX Do Sau Sattar
271 Two hundred and seventy-one دو سو اکھتر CCLXXI Do Sau Ikahter
272 Two hundred and seventy-two دو سو بھتر CCLXXII Do Sau Bohatter 
273 Two hundred and seventy-three دو سو تھتر  CCLXXIII Do Sau Tehatter 
274 Two hundred and seventy-four دو سو چوہتر CCLXXIV Do Sau Chohatter
275 Two hundred and seventy-five دو سو پچھتر  CCLXXV Do Sau Pachatter
276 Two hundred and seventy-six دو سو چھہتر CCLXXVI Do Sau Chehatter
277 Two hundred and seventy-seven دو سو ستتر CCLXXVII Do Sau Statter
278 Two hundred and seventy-eight دو سو اٹھتر CCLXXVIII Do Sau Athatter
279 Two hundred and seventy-nine دو سو اناسی  CCLXXIX Do Sau Unaasi
280 Two hundred and eighty دو سو اسی CCLXXX Do Sau Assi
281 Two hundred and eighty-one دو سو اکاسی  CCLXXXI Do Sau Ikaasi
282 Two hundred and eighty-two دو سو بیاسی CCLXXXII Do Sau Baiyaasi
283 Two hundred and eighty-three دو سو تراسی CCLXXXIII Do Sau Tiryaasi
284 Two hundred and eighty-four دو سو چوراسی CCLXXXIV Do Sau Chaurasi
285 Two hundred and eighty-five دو سو پچاسی CCLXXXV Do Sau Pichaasi
286 Two hundred and eighty-six دو سو چھیاسی CCLXXXVI Do Sau Chiaasi
287 Two hundred and eighty-seven دو سو ستاسی CCLXXXVII Do Sau Staaasi 
288 Two hundred and eighty-eight دو سو اٹھاسی CCLXXXVIII Do Sau Athasi 
289 Two hundred and eighty-nine دو سو نواسی CCLXXXIX Do Sau Nawasi
290 Two hundred and ninety دو سو نوے CCXC Do Sau Novvay
291 Two hundred and ninety-one دو سو اکانوے CCXCI Do Sau Ikaanvay 
292 Two hundred and ninety-two دو سو بانوے CCXCII Do Sau Baawanwe
293 Two hundred and ninety-three دو سو ترانوے CCXCIII Do Sau Tiraanwe
294 Two hundred and ninety-four دو سو چورانوے CCXCIV Do Sau Chauraanwe
295 Two hundred and ninety-five دو سو پچانوے CCXCV Do Sau Pachaanwe
296 Two hundred and ninety-six دو سو چھیانوے CCXCVI Do Sau Chhiyaanwe
297 Two hundred and ninety-seven دو  سو ستانوے CCXCVII Do Sau Sitaanwe
298 Two hundred and ninety-eight دو سو اٹھانوے CCXCVIII Do Sau Atthaanwe
299 Two hundred and ninety-nine دو سو ننانوے  CCXCIX Do Sau Nawaanwe
300 Two hundred تین سو CCC Teen Sau

English and Urdu Counting from 1 to 500

Urdu Counting from 300 to 400:

In this article, you are going to learn Urdu Counting from 1 to 500. In this section will learn Urdu Counting from 300 to 400:

Number English  Urdu  Roman Hindi
300 Three hundred تین سو CCC Teen Soo 
301 Three hundred and one تین سو ایک CCCI Teen Sau Aik
302 Three hundred and two تین سو دو CCCII Teen Sau Do
303 Three hundred and three تین سو تین CCCIII Teen Sau Teen
304 Three hundred and four تین سو چار CCCIV Teen Sau Char
305 Three hundred and five تین سو پانچ CCV Teen Sau Paanch
306 Three hundred and six تین سو چھ CCVI Teen Sau Chh
307 Three hundred and seven تین سو سات CCVII Teen Sau Saath
308 Three hundred and eight تین سو آٹھ CCVIII Teen Sau Aath
309 Three hundred and nine تین سو نو CCIX Teen Sau No
310 Three hundred and ten تین سو دس CCX Teen Sau Das
311 Three hundred and eleven تین سو گیارہ CCXI Teen Sau Gyarah
312 Three hundred and twelve تین سو بارہ CCXII Teen Sau Baarah
313 Three hundred and thirteen تین سو تیرہ CCXIII Teen Sau Tera
314 Three hundred and fourteen تین سو چودہ CCXIV Teen Sau Chaudah
315 Three hundred and fifteen تین سو پندرہ CCXV Teen Sau Pandrah
316 Three hundred and sixteen تین سو سولہ CCXVI Teen Sau Sola
317 Three hundred and seventeen تین سو سترہ CCXVII Teen Sau Sattarh
318 Three hundred and eighteen تین سو اٹھارہ CCXVIII Teen Sau Aatharah
319 Three hundred and nineteen تین سو انیس CCXIX Teen Sau Unnis
320 Three hundred and twenty تین سو بیس CCCXX Teen Sau Bees
321 Three hundred and twenty-one تین سو اکیس  CCCXXI Teen Sau Ikkees
322 Three hundred and twenty-two تین سو بائیس CCCXXII Teen Sau Baees
323 Three hundred and twenty-three تین سو تئیس CCCXXIII Teen Sau Teyees
324 Three hundred and twenty-four تین سو چوبیس CCCXXIV Teen Sau Chobees
325 Three hundred and twenty-five تین سو پچھیس CCCXXV Teen Sau Pachhees
326 Three hundred and twenty-six تین سو چھببیس CCCXXVI Teen Sau Chhubbis
327 Three hundred and twenty-seven تین سو ستاؤیس CCCXXVII Teen Sau Sattaees
328 Three hundred and twenty-eight تین سو اٹھاؤیس CCCXXVIII Teen Sau Aathaees
329 Three hundred and twenty-nine تین سو انتیس CCCXXIX Teen Sau Untees
330 Three hundred and thirty تین سو تیس CCCXXX Teen Sau Tees
331 Three hundred and thirty-one تین سو اکتیس CCCXXXI Teen Sau Ikatis
332 Three hundred and thirty-two تین سو بتیس CCCXXXII Teen Sau Batis
333 Three hundred and thirty-three تین سو تیتیس CCCXXXIII Teen Sau Teyatis
334 Three hundred and thirty-four تین سو چونتیس CCCXXXIV Teen Sau Chontees
335 Three hundred and thirty-five تین سو پینتیس CCCXXXV Teen Sau Painntes
336 Three hundred and thirty-six تین سو چھیتیس CCCXXXVI Teen Sau Chhatees
337 Three hundred and thirty-seven تین سو سینتیس CCCXXXVII Teen Sau Saintees
338 Three hundred and thirty-eight تین سو اڑتیس CCCXXXVIII Teen Sau Auratees
339 Three hundred and thirty-nine تین سو انتیس CCCXXXIX Teen Sau Untaalis
340 Three hundred and forty تین سو چالیس CCCXL Teen Sau Chalees
341 Three hundred and forty-one تین سو اکتالیس CCCXLI Teen Sau Ikataalis
342 Three hundred and forty-two تین سو بیالی CCCXLII Teen Sau Baialis
343 Three hundred and forty-three تین سو تینتالیس CCCXLIII Teen Sau Teyntaalis
344 Three hundred and forty-four تین سو چرتالیس CCCXLIV Teen Sau Chawalis
345 Three hundred and forty-five تین سو پینتالیس CCCXLV Teen Sau Painntaalis
346 Three hundred and forty-six تین سو چھیالیس CCCXLVI Teen Sau Chhiyaalis
347 Three hundred and forty-seven تین سو سینتالیس CCCXLVII Teen Sau Saintaalis
348 Three hundred and forty-eight تین سو اڑتالی CCCXLVIII Teen Sau Aurataalis
349 Three hundred and forty-nine تین سو انچاس CCCXLIX Teen Sau Unchaas
350 Three hundred and fifty تین سو پچاس CCCL Teen Sau Pachaas
351 Three hundred and fifty-one تین سو اکاون CCCLI Teen Sau Ikaavaan
352 Three hundred and fifty-two تین سو باون CCCLII Teen Sau Baavan
353 Three hundred and fifty-three تین سو تریپن CCCLIII Teen Sau Tiripan
354 Three hundred and fifty-four تین سو چوین CCCLIV Teen Sau Chowan
355 Three hundred and fifty-five تین سو پچپن CCCLV Teen Sau Pachpan
356 Three hundred and fifty-six تین سو چھپپن CCCLVI Teen Sau Chhappan
357 Three hundred and fifty-seven تین سو ستاون CCCLVII Teen Sau Sataavaan
358 Three hundred and fifty-eight تین سو اٹھاون CCCLVIII Teen Sau Athaavaan
359 Three hundred and fifty-nine تین سو انسٹھ CCCLIX Teen Sau Unsath
360 Three hundred and sixty تین سو ساٹھ CCCLX Teen Sau Saath
361 Three hundred and sixty-one تین سو اکسٹھ CCCLXI Teen Sau Iksath
362 Three hundred and sixty-two تین سو بیسٹھ CCCLXII Teen Sau Beesath
363 Three hundred and sixty-three تین سو تریسٹھ CCCLXIII Teen Sau Tirisath
364 Three hundred and sixty-four تین سو چونسٹھ CCCLXIV Teen Sau Chonsath
365 Three hundred and sixty-five تین سو پینسٹھ CCCLXV Teen Sau Pensath 
366 Three hundred and sixty-six تین سو چھیاسٹھ CCCLXVI Teen Sau Chiasath
367 Three hundred and sixty-seven تین سو ستاسٹھ CCCLXVII Teen Sau Stasath
368 Three hundred and sixty-eight تین سو اٹھسٹھ CCCLXVIII Teen Sau Athasath 
369 Three hundred and sixty-nine تین سو انحتر CCCLXIX Teen Sau Unhatter
370 Three hundred and seventy تین سو ستر CCCLXX Teen Sau Sattar
371 Three hundred and seventy-one تین سو اکھتر CCCLXXI Teen Sau Ikahter
372 Three hundred and seventy-two تین سو بھتر CCCLXXII Teen Sau Bohatter 
373 Three hundred and seventy-three تین سو تھتر  CCCLXXIII Teen Sau Tehatter 
374 Three hundred and seventy-four تین سو چوہتر CCCLXXIV Teen Sau Chohatter
375 Three hundred and seventy-five تین سو پچھتر  CCCLXXV Teen Sau Pachatter
376 Three hundred and seventy-six تین سو چھہتر CCCLXXVI Teen Sau Chehatter
377 Three hundred and seventy-seven تین سو ستتر CCCLXXVII Teen Sau Statter
378 Three hundred and seventy-eight تین سو اٹھتر CCCLXXVIII Teen Sau Athatter
379 Three hundred and seventy-nine تین سو اناسی  CCCLXXIX Teen Sau Unaasi
380 Three hundred and eighty تین سو اسی CCCLXXX Teen Sau Assi
381 Three hundred and eighty-one تین سو اکاسی  CCCLXXXI Teen Sau Ikaasi
382 Three hundred and eighty-two تین سو بیاسی CCCLXXXII Teen Sau Baiyaasi
383 Three hundred and eighty-three تین سو تراسی CCCLXXXIII Teen Sau Tiryaasi
384 Three hundred and eighty-four تین سو چوراسی CCCLXXXIV Teen Sau Chaurasi
385 Three hundred and eighty-five تین سو پچاسی CCCLXXXV Teen Sau Pichaasi
386 Three hundred and eighty-six تین سو چھیاسی CCCLXXXVI Teen Sau Chiaasi
387 Three hundred and eighty-seven تین سو ستاسی CCCLXXXVII Teen Sau Staaasi 
388 Three hundred and eighty-eight تین سو اٹھاسی CCCLXXXVIII Teen Sau Athasi 
389 Three hundred and eighty-nine تین سو نواسی CCCLXXXIX Teen Sau Nawasi
390 Three hundred and ninety تین سو نوے CCCXC Teen Sau Novvay
391 Three hundred and ninety-one تین سو اکانوے CCCXCI Teen Sau Ikaanvay 
392 Three hundred and ninety-two تین سو بانوے CCCXCII Teen Sau Baawanwe
393 Three hundred and ninety-three تین سو ترانوے CCCXCIII Teen Sau Tiraanwe
394 Three hundred and ninety-four تین سو چورانوے CCCXCIV Teen Sau Chauranwe
395 Three hundred and ninety-five تین سو پچانوے CCCXCV Teen Sau Pachaanwe
396 Three hundred and ninety-six تین سو چھیانوے CCCXCVI Teen Sau Chhiyanwe
397 Three hundred and ninety-seven تین سو ستانوے CCCXCVII Teen Sau Sitaanwe
398 Three hundred and ninety-eight تین سو اٹھانوے CCCXCVIII Teen Sau Atthaanwe
399 Three hundred and ninety-nine تین سو ننانوے  CCCXCIX Teen Sau Nawaanwe
400 Four hundred چار سو CD Char Sau

English and Urdu Counting from 1 to 500

Urdu Counting from 400 to 500:

In this article, you are going to learn Urdu Counting from 1 to 500. In this section will learn Urdu Counting from 400 to 500:

Number English  Urdu  Roman Hindi
400 Four hundred چار سو CD Char Soo 
401 Four hundred and one چار سو ایک CDI Char Sau Aik
402 Four hundred and two چار سو دو CDII Char Sau Do
443 Four hundred and three چار تین CDIII Char Sau Teen
404 Four hundred and four چار سو چار CDIV Char Sau Char
405 Four hundred and five چار سو پانچ CDV Char Sau Paanch
406 Four hundred and six چار سو چھ CDVI Char Sau Chh
407 Four hundred and seven چار سو سات CDVII Char Sau Saath
408 Four hundred and eight چار سو آٹھ CDVIII Char Sau Aath
409 Four hundred and nine چار سو نو CDIX Char Sau No
410 Four hundred and ten چار سو دس CDX Char Sau Das
411 Four hundred and eleven چار سو گیارہ CDXI Char Sau Gyarah
412 Four hundred and twelve چار سو بارہ CDXII Char Sau Baarah
413 Four hundred and thirteen چار سو تیرہ CDXIII Char Sau Tera
414 Four hundred and fourteen چار سو چودہ CDXIV Char Sau Chaudah
415 Four hundred and fifteen چار سو پندرہ CDXV Char Sau Pandrah
416 Four hundred and sixteen چار سو سولہ CDXVI Char Sau Sola
417 Four hundred and seventeen چار سو سترہ CDXVII Char Sau Sattarh
418 Four hundred and eighteen چار سو اٹھارہ CDXVIII Char Sau Aatharah
419 Four hundred and nineteen چار سو انیس CDXIX Char Sau Unnis
420 Four hundred and twenty چار سو بیس CDXX Char Sau Bees
421 Four hundred and twenty-one چار سو اکیس  CDXXI Char Sau Ikkees
422 Four hundred and twenty-two چار سو بائیس CDXXII Char Sau Baees
423 Four hundred and twenty-three چار سو تئیس CDXXIII Char Sau Teyees
424 Four hundred and twenty-four چار سو چوبیس CDXXIV Char Sau Chobees
425 Four hundred and twenty-five چار سو پچھیس CDXXV Char Sau Pachhees
426 Four hundred and twenty-six چار سو چھببیس CDXXVI Char Sau Chhubbis
427 Four hundred and twenty-seven چار سو ستاؤیس CDXXVII Char Sau Sattaees
428 Four hundred and twenty-eight چار سو اٹھاؤیس CDXXVIII Char Sau Aathaees
429 Four hundred and twenty-nine چار سو انتیس CDXXIX Char Sau Untees
430 Four hundred and thirty چار سو تیس CDXXX Char Sau Tees
431 Four hundred and thirty-one چار سو اکتیس CDXXXI Char Sau Ikatis
432 Four hundred and thirty-two چار سو بتیس CDXXXII Char Sau Batis
433 Four hundred and thirty-three چار سو تیتیس CDXXXIII Char Sau Teyatis
434 Four hundred and thirty-four چار سو چونتیس CDXXXIV Char Sau Chontees
435 Four hundred and thirty-five چار سو پینتیس CDXXXV Char Sau Painntes
436 Four hundred and thirty-six چار سو چھیتیس CDXXXVI Char Sau Chhatees
437 hundred and thirty-seven چار سو سینتیس CDXXXVII Char Sau Saintees
438 Four hundred and thirty-eight چار سو اڑتیس CDXXXVIII Char Sau Auratees
439 Four hundred and thirty-nine چار سو انتیس CDXXXIX Char Sau Untaalis
440 Four hundred and forty چار سو چالیس CDXL Char Sau Chalees
441 Four hundred and forty-one چار سو اکتالیس CDXLI Char Sau Ikataalis
442 Four hundred and forty-two چار سو بیالی CDXLII Char Sau Baialis
443 Four hundred and forty-three چار سو تینتالیس CDXLIII Char Sau Teyntaalis
444 Four hundred and forty-four چار سو چرتالیس CDXLIV Char Sau Chawalis
445 Four hundred and forty-five چار سو پینتالیس CDXLV Char Sau Painntaalis
446 Four hundred and forty-six چار سو چھیالیس CDXLVI Char Sau Chhiyaalis
447 Four hundred and forty-seven چار سو سینتالیس CDXLVII Char Sau Saintaalis
448 Four hundred and forty-eight چار سو اڑتالی CDXLVIII Char Sau Aurataalis
449 Four hundred and forty-nine چار سو انچاس CDXLIX Char Sau Unchaas
450 Four hundred and fifty چار سو پچاس CDL Char Sau Pachaas
451 Four hundred and fifty-one چار سو اکاون CDLI Char Sau Ikaavaan
452 Four hundred and fifty-two چار سو باون CDLII Char Sau Baavan
453 Four hundred and fifty-three چار سو تریپن CDLIII Char Sau Tiripan
454 Four hundred and fifty-four چار سو چوین CDLIV Char Sau Chowan
455 Four hundred and fifty-five چار سو پچپن CDLV Char Sau Pachpan
456 Four hundred and fifty-six چار سو چھپپن CDLVI Char Sau Chhappan
457 Four hundred and fifty-seven چار سو ستاون CDLVII Char Sau Sataavaan
458 Four hundred and fifty-eight چار سو اٹھاون CDLVIII Char Sau Athaavaan
459 Four hundred and fifty-nine چار سو انسٹھ CDLIX Char Sau Unsath
460 Four hundred and sixty چار سو ساٹھ CDLX Char Sau Saath
461 Four hundred and sixty-one چار سو اکسٹھ CDLXI Char Sau Iksath
462 Four hundred and sixty-two چار سو بیسٹھ CDLXII Char Sau Beesath
463 Four hundred and sixty-three چار سو تریسٹھ CDLXIII Char Sau Tirisath
464 Four hundred and sixty-four چار سو چونسٹھ CDLXIV Char Sau Chonsath
465 Four hundred and sixty-five چار سو پینسٹھ CDLXV Char Sau Pensath 
466 Four hundred and sixty-six چار سو چھیاسٹھ CDLXVI Char Sau Chiasath
467 Four hundred and sixty-seven چار سو ستاسٹھ CDLXVII Char Sau Stasath
468 Four hundred and sixty-eight چار سو اٹھسٹھ CDLXVIII Char Sau Athasath 
469 Four hundred and sixty-nine چار سو انحتر CDLXIX Char Sau Unhatter
470 Four hundred and seventy چار سو ستر CDLXX Char Sau Sattar
471 Four hundred and seventy-one چار سو اکھتر CDLXXI Char Sau Ikahter
472 Four hundred and seventy-two چار سو بھتر CDLXXII Char Sau Bohatter 
473 Four hundred and seventy-three چار سو تھتر  CDLXXIII Char Sau Tehatter 
474 Four hundred and seventy-four چار سو چوہتر CDLXXIV Char Sau Chohatter
475 Four hundred and seventy-five چار سو پچھتر  CDLXXV Char Sau Pachatter
476 Four hundred and seventy-six چار سو چھہتر CDLXXVI Char Sau Chehatter
477 Four hundred and seventy-seven چار سو ستتر CDLXXVII Char Sau Statter
478 Four hundred and seventy-eight چار سو اٹھتر CDLXXVIII Char Sau Athatter
479 Four hundred and seventy-nine چار سو اناسی  CDLXXIX Char Sau Unaasi
480 Four hundred and eighty چار سو اسی CDLXXX Char Sau Assi
481 Four hundred and eighty-one چار سو اکاسی  CDLXXXI Char Sau Ikaasi
482 Four hundred and eighty-two چار سو بیاسی CDLXXXII Char Sau Baiyaasi
483 Four hundred and eighty-three چار سو تراسی CDLXXXIII Char Sau Tiryaasi
484 Four hundred and eighty-four چار سو چوراسی CDLXXXIV Char Sau Chaurasi
485 Four hundred and eighty-five چار سو پچاسی CDLXXXV Char Sau Pichaasi
486 Four hundred and eighty-six چار سو چھیاسی CDLXXXVI Char Sau Chiaasi
487 Four hundred and eighty-seven چار سو ستاسی CDLXXXVII Char Sau Staaasi 
488 Four hundred and eighty-eight چار سو اٹھاسی CDLXXXVIII Char Sau Athasi 
489 Four hundred and eighty-nine چار سو نواسی CDLXXXIX Char Sau Nawasi
490 Four hundred and ninety چار سو نوے CDXC Char Sau Novvay
491 Four hundred and ninety-one چار سو اکانوے CDXCI Char Sau Ikaanvay 
492 Four hundred and ninety-two چار سو بانوے CDXCII Char Sau Baawanwe
493 Four hundred and ninety-three چار سو ترانوے CDXCIII Char Sau Tiraanwe
494 Four hundred and ninety-four چار سو چورانوے CDXCIV Char Sau Chauranwe
495 Four hundred and ninety-five چار سو پچانوے CDXCV Char Sau Pachaanwe
496 Four hundred and ninety-six چار سو چھیانوے CDXCVI Char Sau Chhiyanwe
497 Four hundred and ninety-seven چار سو ستانوے CDXCVII Char Sau Sitaanwe
498 Four hundred and ninety-eight چار سو اٹھانوے CDXCVIII Char Sau Atthaanwe
499 Four hundred and ninety-nine چار سو ننانوے  CDXCIX Char Sau Nawaanwe
500 Five hundred پانچ سو D Panch Sau

English and Urdu Counting from 1 to 500


To sum it up, teaching kids to count in Urdu through English is a fantastic way for them to have fun while learning numbers. It shows them how to say numbers in Urdu, making it simple for kids to grasp and practice counting.

Also read,

100 English to Urdu Sentences used in daily life

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