Basic English Grammar

Use Of Keep In English Grammar With Examples

Use Of Keep With Examples

Basic Introduction:

Hey there! Want to brush up on your English grammar skills? Look no further! This article will guide you through the proper use of “keep” in English Grammar with Examples. Let’s Dive In!s article will guide you through the proper use of “keep”. By learning this lesson you can improve your English grammar. In so above section, we are going to explain this lesson. Just stay with us if you are interested to learn English grammar, scroll down and read this lesson.

Use Of Keep-In English Grammar:

In this section, we will explain the use of Keep in English grammar with Examples. This lesson is very helpful for your English grammar. If you are a beginner in English, you must learn this lesson. Because in this lesson we have come up with this lesson that is very important for basic English grammar.

Use of Keep:

“Keep” is a simple word we use in English grammar to talk about holding onto something, not letting it go. Example: “Keep the ball in your hands.” Another way we use “keep” is to mean to continue doing something, like “Keep studying to learn more.” So, “keep” is about holding, having, or simply continuing things.

Use of Keep in Present:

Here in this section, you will learn just the use of Keep with different Urdu to English examples. In English grammar better is used in the present. So this section will help you a lot to learn this topic. In the below section, we are providing you with many examples.

Use of Keep:

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Different Use In English Grammar

1 : (Present)


  • You keep on writing.
  • آپ لکھتے رہیں۔
  • Keep sitting.
  • تشریف رکھئے۔
  • Keep reciting the Holy Quran.
  • قرآن پاک کی تلاوت کرتے رہو۔
  • He keeps playing all day.
  • وہ سارا دن کھیلتا رہتا ہے۔
  • The fan keeps running for many hours.
  • پنکھا کئی گھنٹے چلتا رہتا ہے۔
  • Don’t keep interrupting me while I am speaking.
  • جب میں بول رہا ہوتا ہوں تو مجھے ٹوکتے مت رہنا۔
  • I am very sorry to keep you waiting (so long).
  • آپ کو (اتنی دیر ) انتطار میں رکھنے پر (مجھے) افسوس ہے۔
  • It keeps raining on and off all the week on mountain.
  • پہاڑوں پر وقفے وقفے سے پورا ہفتہ بارش ہوتی رہتی ہے
  • The muslims keep fasting the whole day during.
  • مسلمان ماہِ رمضان میں سارا دن روزہ سے رہتے ہیں

2 : (Passive Present)


  • He does not mind being kept waiting.
  • وہ انتظار میں رکھے جانے کا برا نہیں مناتا۔

Use Of Keep In English Grammar With Examples

Use of Keep in Past and Future:

In this section, we will explain the use of Keep in English grammar with Examples. If you are a beginner in English, you must learn this lesson. Because in this lesson we have come up with this lesson that is very important for basic English grammar.

(یاد رہے کہ keep کے ساتھ on لگانے میں آپ کو اختیار ہے،لگائیں یا نہ لگائیں):

1 : (Past Active)


  • He kept us waiting for ten minutes.
  • اس نے ہمیں دس منٹ تک انتطار میں رکھا۔
  • What kept you (from joining me)?
  • آپ کہاں (غیر حاضر ) رہے تھے؟/ آپ  کیا کرتے رہے تھے؟

2 : (Future)

  • He will not keep you waiting outside.
  • آپ کو انتطار میں باہر (کھڑا ) نہیں رکھے گا۔

Use of Keep in English Grammar

Use of Go on in Present and Past:

In this Heading we will learn the use of go on in Present and Past. Just stay with us and scroll down!

1 : (Present)


  • Most often, She goes on grumbling.
  • وہ اکثر بڑا بڑا تی رہتی ہے۔
  • What are you doing these days?
  • آپ ان دنوں کیا کر رہے ہیں؟
  • I go on writing a book nowadays.
  • آج کل میں ایک کتاب لکھتا رہتا ہوں۔
  • The patient goes on thinking all the day long.
  • مریض سارا دن سوچتا رہتا ہے۔
  • Some of the children go on making mischief.
  • بعض بچے شرارتیں کرتے رہتے ہیں۔

2 : (Imperative)

  • Go on writing if you want to be a good calligraphist.
  • ایک اچھا خوش نویس بننے کے لیے رہا کریں۔

3 : (Past)

  • He went on speaking while the listener had no interest.
  • وہ بولتا رہا جبکہ سامعین نے کوئی دلچسپی نہ لی۔
  • There was no bus, so he went on walking.
  • کوئی بس نہ  تھی لہذا وہ پیدل  ہی چلتا رہا۔
  • The boat sank. We had to go on swimming for the shore.
  • کشتی ڈوب گئی ۔ ہم کنارے تک پہنچنے کے لئے مجبورا تیرتے رہے۔

Use of Keep in English Grammar with Examples

Use of Go on in Future:

1 : (Interrogative)

  • Did the people go on raising slogans till evening against high price of petrol?
  • کیا لوگ شام تک پیٹرول کی قیمت میں اضافہ کے خلاف نعرے لگاتے رہے؟

2 : (Future)

  • I shall go on serving you while I am here.
  • میں جب تک یہاں ہوں، آپ کی خدمت کرتا رہوں گا۔
  • He will not go on playing after the next month.
  • وہ آئندہ ماہ کے بعد کھیل کو جاری نہ رکھے گا۔
  • Will they go on displaying the books upto the end of this month?
  • کیا وہ کتابوں کی نمائش کو اس ماہ کے آخر تک جاری رکھیں گے؟
  • I shall go waiting until you come back.
  • آپ کی واپسی تک میں منتطر رہوں گا۔
  • Our farmers will go on growing crops with the same zealandzest.
  • ہمارے کسان اسی جوش و جذبے سے فصلیں اگاتے رہیں گے۔

Use Of Keep In English Grammar With Examples

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